Sunday, November 22, 2015

Identity Theft and Social Media

In today's technology-driven society, I can not help but wonder why a young child's identity is already stolen!!!  Well, social media is one of the reasons why.  We often forget that putting information about our children in social media opens the opportunity for hackers to hack and steal our children's identity.  Indeed we love our children and we wanted the world to know how successful and how great they are but we often forget that they are still very vulnerable to identity theft.  As a matter of fact they are the easy target simply because they do not care about their credit score up until they are probably applying for their first part time work or college!  Let's be mindful and be the advocate for our children.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Looking Ahead into the School Year

Now that most of schools are in sessions, it is all the more important to keep an eye on what our own kids and students are doing on-line.  Maybe a month ago or so, I received an email saying that our students in our county will finally get Google Mail (grades 3-up).  I was so happy since I would like to give the students an another avenue to submit their homework or projects to me; but at the same time I have to be more vigilant and cognizant of cyber-bullying behaviors.  Not only do I feel more cautious about my own students but my own children.  This year, the school that my 9th grade son is attending requires a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), I was glad to hear this for the shallow reason of finally, less books to lug to and from home/school. This is the best time to educate, re-educate our children about cyber-bullying.  Parents take the time to talk with your children about this serious type of bullying.  Our children maybe more technologically savvy but they are not technologically mature!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cyber Education

Parents Cyber Education

Cyber Education
       This was a question posted by one of my colleague and it really made me think of whose job is it.  I personally think that as a responsible parent of a tween and teenager, it is our job to educate ourselves because we are as connected as our kids.  Some parents are so connected that they don't budge when their young ones are trying to communicate to them.  Many parents are careful about what they post on their social networking system (at least most parents I know); some really go  out their way to find answers or know many things about guarding what they put out in the web.  Educating ourselves (parents) should be our responsibility.  
       As parents, ponder and reflect why we provide our children with all these smart technology if we do not have a clear purpose aside from the most obvious reason that is to get in touch with them.  Sometimes I think that we are in small way plays a role in why our children can get cyber-bullied by putting those smart technologies in their hands without a clear expectations, rules and consequences.  

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Common Sense Tip # 3

Here is another common sense tip to avoid cyber bullying for students:

How Parents Can Help


So, you found out that your child is a victim of cyber bullying.  What are going to do next?  Honestly, give your child a big hug and thank your child for opening up to you.  This is actually the very first step.  I pretty sure that you have been communicating with your child but like what I mentioned in my previous post, it is sometimes hard to detect if your child is being cyber bullied.  Here are some things you can do:
  • Block the Bully:  This can easily be done just by changing few things in the setting of any electronic devices.  
  • Limit access to technology:  I am pretty sure that asking this maybe too much for your child (especially teen) but this is the only way the curb the temptation of checking text messages, websites, and emails.  Always keep any electronic devices public in the home, yes, even their own personal laptops--especially your child's own personal devices.  
  • Know your child's internet/online world:  As a parent, you have the right to check what they posted, what they sent, basically their online history.  If they are on social media, ask that you have to be included as "friend," this way you are aware who they are coming in contact with on line.  Emphasize to them the importance of privacy and why it is such a bad idea to share personal information on-line.  
  • Find web resources about cyber bullying:  Many parents maybe lost once they found out that their child is being cyber bullied and it can really be overwhelming and frustrating but take the time to find resources how you can help your child help, cope, and heal.  
  • TALK, TALK, TALK to them:  Even if the unfortunate happened already, the importance of keeping an open line of communication with your child is indeed the first line of defense and first line to helping/healing.
  • BACK TO BASICS:  Think of family activities.  Perhaps we can go back to the "old school" family activities.   Family needs to reevaluate what it means to be connected again, find basic things such as eating dinners together, camping, game nights, and movie nights are some things we need to reconsider.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying


Technology has opened another avenue for bullies to perform what they are so good about—harassing, threatening, and targeting other people in the digital world.  This digital word has just given parents, care giver, teachers, and administrators a much bigger scope of responsibilities.   Now bullies are not just confined in our school playgrounds but as scary as it is, they are with us—right on our cell phones, tablets, and computers.  I say, it is getting too close to home!!!

Bullies.. NOW

So what then is Cyber Bullying? This is a term use in the technology world meaning to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.  Cyber bullying can be as simple as a mean or cruel message through text message, tweet, and/or email.  Cyber bullying can be intentional or accidental as well.  Accidental ones are hard to spot since the impersonal nature of our texts, emails, and IMs sometimes make it hard to detect the tone of the sender, but repeated pattern of texts, emails, IMs is not accidental.
As more and more children are given access to computers, cell phones, tablets, and other technology, the incidence of cyber bullying is likely to rise.

While children will manifest different signs, here are some general signs that parents, caregiver, teachers, counselors, and administrators should be looking for:

  • signs of emotional distress during or after using a cell phone, computer or smart tablet
  • being secretive of their digital life
  • some form of withdrawal from family, peers, and even from activities they used to enjoy doing
  • grades are negatively affected
  • changes in their moods, behavior, sleep pattern and even changes in their appetite