Sunday, August 31, 2014

Looking Ahead into the School Year

Now that most of schools are in sessions, it is all the more important to keep an eye on what our own kids and students are doing on-line.  Maybe a month ago or so, I received an email saying that our students in our county will finally get Google Mail (grades 3-up).  I was so happy since I would like to give the students an another avenue to submit their homework or projects to me; but at the same time I have to be more vigilant and cognizant of cyber-bullying behaviors.  Not only do I feel more cautious about my own students but my own children.  This year, the school that my 9th grade son is attending requires a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), I was glad to hear this for the shallow reason of finally, less books to lug to and from home/school. This is the best time to educate, re-educate our children about cyber-bullying.  Parents take the time to talk with your children about this serious type of bullying.  Our children maybe more technologically savvy but they are not technologically mature!