Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Common Sense Tips

"Statistics vary, but at least 20% of our children will experience harassing, hateful, or insulting messages."
I saw this from the Norton website and this is a pretty scary statistics.  I know this will continue to rise.  

Limit your child's online usage to 30 minutes.  If they are to use it after that, let it be solely for homework, no social networking, IMs, etc.


  1. I love this tip! Do you remember way back when we had dial-up internet that used the phone lines? My parent's had that rule that we could only use the internet for 30 minutes because otherwise they'd miss important phone calls! As a child I detested it, but now I feel as though it was great so that I'd do other things such as reading or being outside.

  2. Oh yeah, I remember those days and long gone were those days. Everywhere you go there's wi-fi and people are constantly connected. I agree with you that there is still life outside the internet.

  3. Hmmm, I love the idea of being active with monitoring our children and attempting to protect them. But I look back at times in my own school career, where adversity and confrontations have helped me become the man I am today. I think as parents we can protect our students to a certain point, but we need to help our kids turn those tough moments into learning experiences.

  4. I agree with you David. I believe that we can't hold our children's hands forever. Indeed it will help them problem-solve and make better decisions--learning their lesson basically. But I do worry about those children who has difficulty articulating what is going on with them before reaching out to them is too late.
